North Andover Teachers Association Bylaws
Article I – Name of the Association
The name of the Association shall be the North Andover Teachers Association (herein after referred to as the “NATA”). NATA shall be affiliated with the Massachusetts Teachers Association (herein after referred to as the “MTA”) and the National Education Association (herein after referred to as the “NEA”) under their rules.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1. To promote an environment of educational excellence in which all parties
involved in the school are treated fairly and equitably.
Section 2. To provide an opportunity for members to work together effectively as an organized professional group for the advancement of public education.
Section 3. To encourage continuous professional growth and development of the members.
Article III – Membership
Section 1. Active Members
A. Active members are those:
1. Who are engaged in work of a professional nature in the North Andover Public School System; and
2. Who hold membership in the local affiliated association and
3. Who are defined by the Recognition Clause of the Unit A (Teacher) and Unit C (Teaching Assistant) Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Section 2.
Active members of the Association shall be members of the MTA and the NEA.
Section 3.
Active membership shall be continuous until the member leaves a bargaining unit covered in a collective bargaining agreement with the North Andover School Committee, resigns from the Association, fails to pay membership dues after notification, and/or converts to agency fee status.
Section 4. Retired Members
Retired members are those former active members who pay annual dues as stated in Section 8 A.
Section 5. New Member Units – Affiliation
Any units requesting affiliation with the Association must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.
Section 6. Active Member Voting
Only active members as defined in Section 1 and 2 of this Article III shall have the privilege of voting.
Section 7. Annual Dues of Active Members
The annual dues of active members of the Association will be set by the Executive Board during the month of June. Any changes must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board members present. If there is no quorum, then the President shall poll the Executive Board electronically.
Section 8. Annual Dues of Others
The annual dues of others shall be as follows:
A. Retired Members – $20.00
B. The Executive Board will set the dues of any group seeking affiliation with the Association.
Section 9. NATA Finances
No monies in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) shall be spent without the signatures of both the Treasurer and the President. The funds of the Association may be expended only in matters consistent with the objectives of the Association as stated in Article II.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1.
A. There shall be one set of officers for the Association, which shall govern all units. The officers of the local association shall be the President/ Co-Presidents, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and Membership Chair.
B. Only members of Unit A are eligible to hold the office of President/ Co-Presidents, First Vice President and Second Vice-President.
C. A single candidate for an office must submit a signed letter of intent to the Nominations and Elections Chairperson stating specifically he/she is a candidate for that office.
D. When there are two (2) candidates intending to share an office, both must sign a single letter of intent stating specifically they are running for the office as co-candidates.
E. In the event that the Nominations and Elections Chairperson chooses to run for an officer’s position, the Nominations and Elections Chairperson must resign from said position prior to the date of the onset of the election process.
F. An active retired Unit A member is eligible to hold the office of the President/ Co- Presidents, First Vice President, and second Vice-President with all the benefits those offices afford for North Andover Public School employed Unit A officers.
G. An active retired member of any unit is eligible to hold the office of the Secretary or Treasurer with all the benefits those offices afford for North Andover Public School employed officers.
H. Two members may hold the office of President. If Co-Presidents are elected they will share the duties and stipends of the President and First Vice President. If a First Vice President is elected in the same election cycle in which Co-Presidents are elected, the election of Co-Presidents will override the election of the First Vice President.
J. All stipends for officers, unit chairpersons, chairpersons of committees, and committee members shall be determined annually by a majority vote at the last Executive Board meeting in June.
Section 2.
A. The President
(1.) The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive board and the general membership.
(2.) He/She shall recommend chairpersons of standing committees and special committees to the Executive Board unless laws have otherwise designated committee chairpersons in these.
(3.) He/She may be a non-voting member of all committees.
(4.) He/She shall have the Treasurer’s books audited annually.
(5.) He/She shall be the Executive Officer of the Association.
(6.) He/She shall perform all other functions usually attributed to this office. (7.) He/She shall appoint a Unit Chairperson with input from unit members in the event a Unit Chairperson is unable to fulfill the duties of the office either temporarily or long-term.
(8). The President shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA. He/She shall receive expense money by submitting receipts to the NATA Treasurer with itemized expense quarterly reports of expenses. This report includes the President’s list of activities for the quarter and all respective receipts for such expenses.
(9). He/She shall be the representative for the NATA to the existing “Insurance Coalition” of North Andover Town Employees. He/She may appoint a designee (s) to assist in this representation
(10). He/she may attend, in an unpaid capacity, contract negotiations for other units for the purpose of continuity and consistency for all units’ contract language.
B. First Vice-President
(1.) He/She shall be a member of the bargaining team.
(2.) He/She shall assume the duties of the President, if the President is unable to perform his/her duties for a period of time or if the office becomes vacant.
(3.) He/She shall meet regularly with committee chairpersons to discuss committee activities and monitor committee progress for reports to the President.
(4.) He/She shall conduct meetings of the Executive Board and all other meetings in the absence of the President.
(5.) The First Vice-President shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA. He/She shall receive expense money by submitting receipts to the NATA Treasurer with itemized quarterly reports of expenses. This report must include the Vice-President’s list of activities for the quarter and all respective receipts for such expenses. All expenses must be pre-approved by the President.
C. Second Vice-President
(1.) He/She shall be chairperson of the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee (Grievance).
(2.) He/She shall arrange and conduct Training Workshops for Faculty Representatives.
(3). The Second Vice-President shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA for time and duties performed. He/She shall receive expense money by submitting receipts to the NATA Treasurer with itemized expense quarterly reports of expenses. This report must include the Vice President’s list of activities for the quarter and all respective receipts for such expenses. All expenses must be pre-approved by the President.
D. Secretary
(1.) The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and of general membership meetings.
(2.) He/She shall maintain official files and shall assist the President with the Association correspondence.
(3). The Secretary shall keep up-dated records of the Executive Board meetings. The Secretary shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA for time and duties performed. He/She shall receive expense money by submitting receipts to the NATA Treasurer with itemized expense quarterly reports of expenses. This report must include the Secretary’s list of activities pertinent to the expenses for the quarter and all respective receipts for such expenses. All expenses must be pre-approved by the President.
E. Treasurer
(1.) The Treasurer shall hold all funds of the Association.
(2.) He/She shall bill the membership for annual dues and transmit amounts due to the Massachusetts Teachers Association.
(3.) He/She shall maintain a roll of the members.
(4.) He/She shall keep accurate account of receipts and disbursements and shall report at each regular meeting of the Executive Board in written form. (5.) He/She shall keep the President and Executive Board informed of the financial condition of the Association and shall assist the President in the drafting of the annual budget.
(6.) The Treasurer shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA for time and duties performed. He/She shall receive expense money by submitting receipts to the NATA President with itemized expense quarterly reports of expenses. This report must include the Treasurer’s list of activities pertinent to the expenses for the quarter and all respective receipts for such expenses. All expenses must be pre-approved by the President.
(7.) The Treasurer shall work with the Membership Chairperson in overseeing NATA’s general membership.
F. Unit Chairperson(s)
(1.) A Unit Chairperson will be designated for each unit that may affiliate with the NATA.
(2.) The Unit Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the unit.
(3.) He/She shall be a member of the unit bargaining team.
(4.) He/She shall follow the sick leave bank policy established by the current contract of the unit.
(5.) The Unit Chairperson shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA for time and duties performed.
(6.) The Unit Chairperson shall be a member of the Executive Board.
G. President’s Appointments
The President with the approval of the NATA Executive Board shall appoint chairpersons for the following committees: Membership Chair, Sick Leave Bank Chair and Nomination and Election Chair.
(1.)The Membership Chairperson shall work with the Treasurer. He/She shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA for time and duties performed. If there is no Membership Chairperson, the Treasurer shall receive said stipend.
(2.)The Sick Leave Bank Chair shall receive a yearly stipend from the NATA for for time and duties performed.
(3.)The Nomination and Election Chair shall receive a stipend from the NATA for time and duties performed during an election year only.
Section 3. Terms and Succession
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Unit Chairpersons shall serve a two (2) year term of office and may run for re-election.
Section 4.
July 1 of each year shall be the date upon which newly elected officers assume their duties. All current officers will work in conjunction with newly elected officers during the month of June. Expense money shall be paid quarterly each year during
the officers’ terms of office beginning July 1. The first quarterly payment shall be paid no later than October 31.
Section 5.
Where a vacancy in any Office or Committee, other than the President, exists, the President shall appoint a qualified interim for the unexpired term with the approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members of the Executive Board present and voting.
Article V – Executive Board
Section 1.
A. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, chairpersons and faculty members, hereinafter called Building Representatives. It shall be the Executive Authority of the Association.
B. The immediate Past President(s) shall be offered a place on the Executive Board. The immediate Past President(s) shall provide the President(s) elect, when requested, with all pertinent NATA information relating to the Past President’s administration. The Past President(s) shall not conduct any union business without the current President’s(s’) prior knowledge and written consent.
C. The immediate Past Treasurer shall be offered a place on the Executive Board. The immediate past Treasurer shall provide the President(s) Elect, when requested, with all pertinent NATA information relating to the Past Treasurer’s administration. The Past Treasurer shall not conduct any union business without the current President’s(s’) prior knowledge and written consent.
Section 2. Powers and Duties of the Executive Board
A. The Executive Board shall carry out the policies of the Association as stated in the by-laws.
B. It shall report transactions to the general membership and may suggest policies for consideration by them.
C. It shall adopt an annual budget for the operation of the Association.
D. It shall establish committees and create policies for governing them.
E. It shall have the power by a majority vote to approve chairpersons recommended by the President.
F. Whenever two-thirds of the Executive Board shall agree that an officer is incapacitated or has been grossly negligent in his/her duties as defined by these by-laws, it shall recommend immediately to the general membership that the office be declared vacant. If the general membership so votes by a two-thirds majority to uphold the recommendations of the Executive Board, it shall immediately elect a replacement to fill the unexpired term.
Section 3.
Any active member may attend any Executive Board meeting. He/She may participate but shall not vote.
Article VI – Building Representatives
Section 1. Eligibility
A. In each public school in North Andover, building members, who are in good standing in this Association, shall have the opportunity to serve as a building representative for the term of one (1) year.
B. In general, the ratio should be one (1) Building Representative for every fifteen (15) members.
C. Those wishing to serve as Building Representatives must notify the President of the Association by September 15th each year even if they were Building Representatives from the previous year.
D. The Building Representatives term of office is from September 15 to September 15 of the following year.
E. NATA Building Representatives who attend 80% of the NATA Executive Board Meetings shall receive a stipend equivalent to 40% of their local dues.
1. Building Representatives will attend the fall building representative training.
2. Building Representatives must attend one of three previous meetings to maintain their voting rights.
F. The NATA shall pay said stipend at the end of the fiscal year.
G. Each affiliated Unit may send up to three representatives in addition to their Unit Chairperson. They may send one member from each level (elementary, middle, high).
Section 2. Duties
A. One Building Representative from each level/building shall be designated as the contact person for the level/building.
B. Building Representatives shall attend regular meetings of the Executive Board. If unable to attend a meeting, a Building representative should make every effort to send an alternate.
C. The Building Representatives shall be responsible for distributing association communication to the members in their buildings, for keeping members informed, and shall further act as liaisons from the members in their buildings to the Executive Board.
Section 1. Executive Board
Article VII – Meetings
The Executive board shall meet monthly during the school year on a schedule to be determined by the officers. Three (3) members of the Executive Board may request additional meetings.
Section 2. General Membership Meetings
There shall be at least two (2) general membership meetings each year, which shall be determined by the Executive Board. The Executive board shall prepare a tentative agenda for each meeting and shall circulate it to the members so the members will have time to discuss it prior to the meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the membership may be held at the call of the President or upon written request to the Executive Board from five (5) per cent of the membership. Business to come before a special meeting must be stated in the call, which shall be sent to each Building Representative for distribution to each member. Business shall be confined to these items.
Section 4. Quorum
A. A majority of its members shall be a quorum for the Executive Board meetings and committees.
B. A quorum for a general membership meeting shall be five (5) per cent of the members.
Article VIII – Committees
Section 1. Organization
A. The First Vice-President shall solicit in written form volunteers from all active members to serve on each committee as the need for the committee is determined by either the President or Executive Board.
B. Each committee shall have a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) members selected to represent different groups.
Section 2. Meetings and Reports
A. Each committee shall submit a schedule of meetings to the First Vice- President.
B. Each committee shall choose a secretary who shall record activities of the committee.
C. The chairperson shall report to the Executive Board any action items.
D. Each committee will be responsible for developing policies and procedures.
E. Non-Chair Committee members may be compensated on an hourly basis for time and duties performed while a member of any committee.
F. Any Chairperson of a committee established by the President or the Executive Board may be compensated with a stipend determined by the Executive Board.
G. The President is excluded from receiving monetary compensation for any committee work except for the bargaining team.
H. Any NATA Chairperson or officer other than the president who receives an NATA stipend may be compensated on an hourly basis for his/her time and duties performed on an additional committee from the committee for which he/she currently receives a stipend.
I. The Chairperson of any committee shall submit the minutes and attendance for each committee meeting within thirty (30) days to the First Vice President who shall submit the minutes, attendance and cover sheet with the yearly summative of the total hours worked to the Treasurer. Failure to do so may result in nonpayment of committee work.
Section 3. Committees and Duties
A. Membership Committee
(1.) The chair shall be the Membership Chairperson of the Association. (2.) The Building Representative shall assist the committee with membership enrollment at the beginning of the year and notify the committee chair of any and all changes during the year.
(3.) The committee shall inform members of the policies, programs, and accomplishments of the Association.
B. Nominations and Elections Committee
(1.) No officer may serve on this committee.
(2.) No officer may interfere with the Nominations and Election process at any time before, during, or after the election process including being at the polls other than to vote. Interference also includes discussions, emails, or any other communications about the election process to any member or candidate. Any interference must be presented to the Executive Board for review. If it is determined that interference took place, the member’s removal from Office and the Executive Board shall be effective immediately.
(3) In the event that the Nominations and Elections Chairperson desires to run for a NATA officer position, the Nominations and Elections Chairperson must resign from said position prior to the elections process.
(4.) The Executive Board shall approve all nomination and election procedures prior to the implementation of the election process by the October Executive Board meeting.
(5) The Committee shall consist of at least one (1) representative of the elementary schools, one (1) from the middle schools, and one (1) from the high school.
(6.) The President with advice and consent of the Executive Board shall nominate members of this committee.
(7.) The Committee shall determine the nomination procedure for candidates seeking elective office or for a delegate position.
(8.) The Committee shall be responsible for securing candidates for each of the elective offices from all active members as defined in Article III.
(9.) The names of the candidates for elective office shall be published no later than five (5) school days preceding the date of the election. (10.) The committee shall be responsible for conducting all elections and for meeting requirements of special elections.
(11.) All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. When the number of candidates for an office/position equals the number to be elected, the candidates shall be declared elected by a single vote cast by the Secretary of the Association. Elections of NATA officers and Unit chairpersons must be by paper ballot.
(12.) The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.
(13.) Officer and Unit Chairperson Elections will be conducted before the last day of school in June.
(14.) The Nominations and Elections Committee shall arrange for negotiation team elections for a bargaining year.
C. Professional Development Advisory Committee
This committee shall develop Association positions on matters affecting professional development and follow guidelines found in Article XIX, Section C of the Unit A contract with the North Andover School Committee. The committee shall initiate study and action and compile data for support of such positions in negotiations.
D. Sick Leave Pool Committee (Unit A)
(1.) The chairperson and two (2) members are appointed by the President as stated in the current contract.
(2.) The committee shall follow the current Sick Leave Bank policy as established by the Executive Board.
(3.) If other Units become affiliated with the NATA, their sick bank shall be governed by their contract with the North Andover School Committee and the members of the Sick Bank Committee will be comprised solely of members of that unit.
E. Social Affairs/Hospitality Committee
(1.) The committee shall organize social activities as may serve the needs of the members and promote fellowship within the Association. (2.) The Building Representatives shall assist the committee in its functions.
(3.) The committee shall be responsible for organizing and planning the end of the year system-wide celebration to honor retirees. The budget for the celebration will be determined with input from the Treasurer/Membership Chairperson.
F. Negotiations Committee
(11 members, 12 if there are co-presidents) – (Unit A) Bargaining Team (6 members if there are co-presidents)
(1.) The Negotiations Committee shall be made up of the following members: President(s) of the NATA, First Vice-President of the NATA, and nine (9) at-large representatives elected by the unit membership by Oct. 15.
(2.) The committee will choose four (4) of its members to be on the Bargaining Team based on representation from different grade levels and areas of specialization. The First Vice-President will be the fifth member of this team. One member of the team will be designated as chairperson. (The NATA President(s) has/have the option of serving on the Bargaining Team.)
(3.) The committee will solicit suggestions for proposals from the general membership before the start of negotiations by surveying all the members through hard copy or electronically.
(4). The Bargaining Team shall negotiate with the School Committee for all personnel in each bargaining unit.
(5) The committee will prepare written proposals and will share information about the proposals. A general membership meeting will be held to discuss and explain the proposal to the membership.
(6.) Upon reaching tentative agreement on all matters under negotiations, the contract shall be ratified as follows:
A. The Bargaining Team shall prepare copies of the tentative agreement for distribution to members of the Unit no later than ten (10) school days after the completion of negotiations. After the ten (10) school days, one informational meeting will be held for the purpose of discussion of the tentative agreement.
B. The membership will vote on the tentative agreement by hard copy secret ballot in the buildings within five (5) school days after the informational meeting has concluded.
(7.) A copy of the minutes and attendance sheets from each negotiation session must be submitted to the First Vice President by the end of the bargaining process. The First Vice President will then forward all documentation to the Treasurer for dispersing any financial of compensation. The compensation for the bargaining team shall be determined by the Executive Committee with the advice of the Treasurer.
(8.) In the event that a negotiation team member resigns from the team, the President or the First Vice-President with advice and consent of the Executive Board shall submit a nomination of a new member for the team.
G. Negotiations Committee (Other units)
(1.) The chairperson of the unit shall select members (no more than six members) for this committee for the purpose of negotiating the contracts. A copy of the minutes and attendance sheets from each negotiation session must be submitted to the First Vice President by the end of the bargaining process. The First Vice President will then forward all documentation to the Treasurer for dispersing any financial of compensation. The compensation for the bargaining team shall be determined by the Executive Committee with the advice of the Treasurer.
2. The Bargaining Team shall prepare copies of the tentative agreement for distribution to members of the Unit no later than ten (10) school days after the completion of negotiations. After the ten (10) school days, one informational meeting will be held for the purpose of discussion of the tentative agreement.
3. The membership will vote on the tentative agreement by hard copy secret ballot in the buildings within five (5) school days after the informational meeting has concluded.
H. Professional Rights and Responsibilities and Ethics Committee (Grievance Committee)
(1.) The Chairperson shall be the Second Vice-President of the Association.
(2.) The Committee shall develop Association positions on all matters pertaining to the rights of Association members, especially academic freedom, professional and personal leave, administrative discipline and dismissal, and grievance procedures and shall compile data for the support of such positions in negotiations.
(3.) The Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board in cases of censure, suspension or expulsion of members.
Section 4. Special Committees
Each year, the President may appoint, with approval of the Executive Board, such other committees as may be necessary and shall discharge them upon completion of their duties.
Article IX – Delegates
The Association shall elect delegates and alternate delegates annually. These delegates shall be the official representatives of the Association at the Annual Meeting of delegates of the MTA and any other conference that they are elected or directed to attend by the Executive Board. The delegates’ names and addresses shall be submitted to the state association annually. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall conduct delegate elections according to MTA and NEA standing rules.
Section 1.
Article X – Rules and Procedures
Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised (most recent edition), when consistent with these by-laws shall be the authority of the Association.
Section 2.
The President may appoint a parliamentarian who shall attend all general membership meetings of the Association.
Section 3.
The membership year shall be July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The business year shall be August 1 to July 31 of the following year.
Article XI – The Amendment Process
In compliance with Roberts Rules of Order, these By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2⁄3) vote of the voting members provided that copies of the proposed amendments have been sent to the General Membership of the NATA five (5) school days in advance of a vote to accept or to reject the proposed Bylaw changes. Prior to the voting date, Absentee Ballots will be made available from the respective NATA Building Representatives no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the voting date.